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6th Annual Industrial Grade Innovation (IGI) Conference and Expo 2023

Wednesday, September 6 - Thursday, September 7, 2023
OMNI Nashville Hotel
250 Rep. John Lewis Way South [map]
Nashville, TN 37203

The registration period for this meeting has ended.

The Association of Union Constructors is pleased to present the 6th Annual Industrial Grade Innovation (IGI) Conference and Expo 2023. IGI will be held Sept. 6-7, 2023 at the OMNI Nashville located at 250 Rep. John Lewis Way South, Nashville, TN 37203 . Technology firms and innovation entrepreneurs get an unprecedented opportunity to introduce their products and services to senior executives in the industrial construction and maintenance industry, one of the fastest growing sectors of the U.S. economy.

We have an amazing lineup of speakers who will discuss existing and new innovation and technology that has the potential to revolutionize the construction and maintenance industry.

We encourage our members, contractors, regional associations, affiliates, labor partners, and owner representatives to attend this year's event to learn more about existing and new innovation and technology that has the potential to revolutionize the union construction and maintenance industry.

TAUC Governing, Regular, LEO, Affiliate and NACBE Members - $645.00
Non-Members - $745.00

TAUC Governing, Regular, LEO, Affiliate and NACBE Members - $845.00
Non-Members - $945.00

Host Hotel Information
The Omni Nashville, located at 250 Rep. John Lewis Way S, Nashville has been selected as the IGI conference host hotel. A special discounted group rate of $309 plus applicable taxes has been secured for all attendees and exhibitors. Rooms are limited. Please book by on or before the cut-off date: Monday, August 14, 2023 by calling 1-888-861-8331 or by following the host hotel link below.

View the schedule of events by clicking on the IGI Microsite link below.

Related Web Pages and Sites:
Host Hotel Reservation Link
IGI Microsite

Related Files:

Omni Nashville Hotel Map

Registration Includes:

Registration fees include access to the tradeshow, sessions, breakouts, networking events, and meals.

A name badge will be issued to all paid registrants and will be your admittance to the conference and expo.

TAUC Committee Meetings are only open to the committee members.

Who Should Attend:

IGI is open to anyone with a vested interest in learning how new innovation and technology could improve your organization and our industry.

Specifically, industrial business owners, union contractors, labor representatives, and technology companies.

Meeting Attire:

Business Casual Attire

Registration Fees:

These fees are available through 09/01/2023
Name Price Available To
Special Rate $199.00   NonMember
Startup Battle - $99.00 $99.00   NonMember


Special Events

Name Price Available To
Committee Breakfast 9/6/23  
     Committee Breakfast 9/6/23 $0.00   EHS, IR, LEO committees
TAUC Environmental Health & Safety Committee Meeting - 9/6/23  
     TAUC EH&S Mtg 9/6/23 $0.00   TAUC Environmental Health and Safety Committee
TAUC Industrial Relations Committee Meeting 9/6/23  
TAUC Innovation and Technology Committee Meeting - 9/6/23  
     TAUC I&T Committee 9/6/23 $0.00   TAUC Innovation and Technology Committee
TAUC Local Employer Organizations Meeting 9/6/23  
     TAUC LEO Mtg 9/6/23 $0.00   TAUC Local Employer Organizations (LEO)
Committee Lunch & Tradeshow Open for Committee Members 9/6/23  
     Committee Lunch & Tradeshow Open for Committee Members 9/6/23 $0.00   EHS, IR, LEO committees

Cancellation and Other Policies:

Early-bird registration can be cancelled, and your registration fee refunded in full, if written cancellation is received in The Association of Union Constructors' (TAUC) office on or before July 7, 2023. If cancelled after this date you will forfeit your registration fee or as an alternative option you are welcome to send a substitute or replacement. We must have your substitute replacement information on or before July 7, 2023.

Is Media Allowed?


For more information please contact:

Ms. Judy Freeman CMP
Director of Meetings and Events
The Association of Union Constructors (TAUC)
Phone: (703) 524-3336 x114
Fax: (703) 524-3364
Email: jfreeman@tauc.org
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